Aula não presencial - Semana 05Aula 03- Inglês
Hello guys? How are you?
Hoje continuaremos nossa aula com os Superlativos. Lembrem-se de consultar as aulas anteriores para rever o
conteúdo e as regras do Superlativo. Só para lembrar: uso o superlativo para destacar que algo ou alguém é superior
a todos os outros, como por exemplo:
“ Team X is the best (good) team in the world”. (Time X é o melhor time do mundo)
a) Write the superlative form of the adjectives in parentheses. (Escreva a forma superlativa dos adjetivos que
estão entre parênteses).
1. Everest is the ___highest__________ (high) mountain in the world.
2. Gisele Bundchen is the most perfect (perfect) girl I know (conheço).
3. March (março) was (foi) the driest (dry) (seco) month of the year in Brazil.
4. Who (quem) is the _______________ (old) person (pessoa) in your family?
5. This dress (este vestido) was the _________________ (cheap) – (barato).
6. Which (quais) language do you think (acha) is the ______________ (easy) (fácil) to learn?
7. This book is the ______________ (serious) on the topic.
8. I think that over there (lá) is the ________________ (strong) (forte) horse (cavalo).
9. This film is the __________________ (short) (curto).
10. She’s the ___________________ (fast) runner (corredora) in her school.
11. That suitcase (aquela mala) is the ____________________ (light) (leve).
12. Out of all (de todas) the cities in Europe, London is the ______________ (big)(maior).
13. Who is the ______________________ (tall) (alto) person in your family?
14. My mum (mãe) is the ___________________ (good) cook (cozinheira) in the world.
15. December is the ___________________ (hot) (quente) month (mês) of the year.
16. What is (qual é) the _______________________ (dangerous) (perigoso) animal in the world?
17. Grace is the ________________________ (happy) girl in class.
18. Where (onde) are the ______________________ (nice)(boas) beaches (praias) in your country
19. She bought (comprou)the _____________________ (delicious)(delicioso) cake (bolo) in the shop.
20. Who (quem) is the ________________________ (famous) singe (cantor) in your country?
21. Who is the ________________________ (slow) (vagaroso) player (jogador) of your school.
22. Who is the _______________________ (smart) (intelligent) student in class?
23. Who is the _______________________ (young) (jovem) in your family?
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